After the product launch, nobody can ensure its long-term survival and growth, since many factors affect. Our 360º service provides you a smart product lifecycle management model to steer it to success.

We have strong experience in this whole ecosystem thanks to our partnership leader firms in many sectors. We work under Lean Six-Sigma principles to yield efficiently, removing wastes and flaws in both product and processes (8Ds) to get better results.

Working together means better services, lower costs and happier customers for you. We set up the action plan that best fits your unique needs.


The product industrialization is a complex process where a detailed control of all its parts is necessary for the successful achievement of the project.

From TEKHN󠄒Ē we study thoroughly the entire production process to mitigate the risks but also to optimize procedures, times and costs via intelligent manufacturing.

We strive to get a zero defects manufacturing. Each unit must pass a stringent verification control test at every process stage prior to shipment.

In addition, the products undergo accelerated life tests (HALT-HASS) to ensure that they can perform as expected within the intended environments, meeting the highest quality standards.

Supply Chain & Distribution

At TEKHN󠄒Ē we combine people, processes and technologies to articulate and orchestrate your supply chain perfectly.

We use the best practices in the purchasing, with negotiated agreements and sustainable processes. We optimize traceability for a responsible supply of materials, with inspections and improvement reports.

We monitor and control inventory, prices and availability. We respond quickly to changing conditions with mitigation plans when necessary.

The first impression is crucial – therefore, it is important that your products look wonderful. We design eco-responsible packaging that transmit great things about your brand and products.

Active tracking

Success is based on the right decisions, and these in turn on the right information.

Traceability does not end with our first-tier suppliers but rather stretches all the way to the last link in our production chain. We analyse the technology markets to identify risks and opportunities and thereby ensuring continuity of the lifecycle of your products.

We anticipate unforeseen events. We use sophisticated prediction algorithms to determine the end-of-life of every component and take appropriate action for an effective obsolescence management that  lengthens the life of the products.

We follow technological trends to add competitive advantages to your business model and design sustainable growth strategies.


Once your product leaves the factory toward your customers’ hands, a lot can happen in the meantime. From TEKHNĒ we support you to manage it. We create the maintenance and after-sales service plans that best fits to provide a great customer experience.

A good product design is an ever more key element for reducing maintenance and repairing costs and times. To improve these operations, we implement modular designs, where each individual part can be easily replaced and stored (Line Replaceable Unit – LRU).

We stand by reuse to extend your products lifespan. We provide repair, refurbishment and disposal services, to do our part for the environment by means of circular economy.

Furthermore, from our training and support program we enable you to operate and maintain your products in the easiest possible way.


How to develop Quality Electronic Products saving Costs and Time